Daccordo una mano non guasta mai!
Come vuole la tradizione ti inoltro un branetto di Undying da tradurre,
lo faccio non per bastardaggine (hai gi? spiegato che 6 autodidatta) ma per poter proseguire nella traduzione del suddetto titolo (sai com'? un brano l? e un brano qui...evvia cos?
Se non riesci a tradurlo non ti preoccupare ci potrai comunque fare da consulente per la traduzione di ELite Force 2, cio? guardando il testo italiano cercare di sistemare i dialoghi in modo da renderli il + simile possibile ai dialoghi del telefilm come linguaggio.
Comunque eccoti il branetto:
Title=Aaron's Letter
Lines[0]=Jeremiah, &n &n I am warning you about Bethany. She has become obsessed with father's books since you left for the war. She is increasingly paranoid and secretive. She locks herself in the sunroom or disappears on horseback. I know she is corresponding with a number of outsiders. I fear she is making family business known to these strangers. I doubt we want her bringing unneeded attention to the family. &n &n You know she is the last person we want near those stones. How could y
Lines[1]=ou have left us? I can feel the fingers of this curse reaching out to us. Don't think you can escape. You know you have to come back. Damn it, Jeremiah! You have doomed us all and you are a coward for leaving us. Can you hear the whispers, Jeremiah? Even another continent isn't far enough. Remember, I tried to go as well. I still heard them, even in Asian dens and German gutters. I figured it out, it's inside... &n It won't be long before you cross the threshold, Brother. &n &n Aaron